Episode 3: Why Predictable Profit and Cash Flow Matter
Featuring John Fulwider, PhD, CEPA, this webinar series covers how to prepare your business to sell and different exit options to align with your goals. Sell your business when you want, to whom you want, at the price you want. Or decide to keep it as a highly profitable asset. All you have to do is drive your business like you’re going to sell it.
In episode 3, we cover the first part of how to increase profit and cash flow.
Links from Video
Take John’s assessment here: https://tinyurl.com/growthvaluecapacity
The Ultimate Guide to OKRs: https://youtu.be/kvkL18Ue0dE
Objectives and Key Results Explained: https://youtu.be/1nEyzZnSsTg
Radical Focus, Second Edition: https://www.amazon.com/Radical-Focus-SECOND-Achieving-Objectives/dp/1955469016/
Slide Deck: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QwoNQQ3PplpX9Nx36Ty945CJUCPk0qdc/view?usp=sharing